Earlier this month, I spent an entire day looking around London universities for a range of either medicine or post-graduate opportunities. Now I know this blog is about getting into medical school, which I'm still 100% on, but I'm also realistic about the chances of me getting into medicine. I know that I can be an amazing applicant and still not get in. I can have the right academic performance, scores on the admissions exams and a great range of work experience and still not be selected for interview. For those of you who aren't medical applicants, it's just that competitive as a subject, particularly for graduate entry. Therefore I have a plan B and this is it: I'm going to apply for some masters degrees alongside my medical school application, mostly in Cardiovascular science, but also some in Biomedical science with a significant amount of cardiovascular in it's content. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this previously, but I want to eventually be a cardiologist. Therefore if I don't get into medicine this year, then I'll try again next year, hopefully with a masters behind me. Preparations are well on the way. I have my UKCAT exam booked for the beginning of next month. I'm halfway through submitting my UCAS application and I've decided on the universities I want to apply to. I'm continuing my long-term work experience and organising more also. I'm becoming a society member at university next year, which will boost my application and give me some great experience. On top of all this, at the end of next week I'll be jetting off to Thailand! I'm going to be working on a GapMedics placement in Chiang Mai for 2 weeks, which I'm incredibly excited about, and I'm looking forward to blogging about all my experiences out there!!
Things are progressing rapidly now :)