So I found out a week ago that I got a first in my first year at uni! I got the news a few weeks ago that I was being classified under 'progress unconditionally' but this is amazing, and it feels like a year of hard work has finally paid off. I ended up with an overall grade of 73% which is so good considering I was averaging 2:1's In the first semester (still amazing AND enough for med schools to consider me academically at least) but towards the end of the years I actually seemed to realise what is expected of me at uni which is going to help me so much in the next 2 years. Despite this, I can't help but wonder about how I'm going to fare next year when it gets so much tougher (or so I've heard) and my final grade actually counts towards my degree. An upper second class honours degree would get me where I need to go but I think what I really need to realise is actually, how achievable is it? Something which I guess I'll realise in September. I think it helps though that I love my course.
I also found out this month that my job is being made permanent which is such a relief, because even though I could find another job, I feel so settled already and I really want to make the most of what I have and I really do honestly like where I work. I think when I am permanent, I can attempt at least to make my job interlink more with my future career progression, by hopefully first aid training and multi-skilling, hopefully in pharmacy. This is something I attempted to do when I worked at Tesco but left before I could complete the training. My current plan anyway is to go over the tools I already have to my disposal from the previous training and at least learning some new things, I'm getting so bored of not taking in new knowledge so I'm going to try this, improve in biochem (my only 2:2 module!) learn Italian, sign language and self teach some more guitar.
On top of all this, we just moved, I moved with Sarah (let's face it, I wasn't going to let her go anywhere!) and we've moved in with Laura who is so amazing an both of whom are so encouraging and I can just tell we're going to have some amazing times together, but mostly it seems like such a serene atmosphere for me to really focus on what may be one of the most important and influential years of my life.
Kinda helps that I got the car back...
The future seems so exciting at the moment... Wish me luck!
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