Driving in the snow is one of the most terrifying experiences I've ever had to endure, firstly, as a child you're blissfully ignorant to how dangerous the snow actually is, not just for cars, but the increased fall risk, the risk of the cold in certain groups of the population, the risk the ice poses to anyone. But driving is terrifying, the first time anything bad happened it really wasn't that bad, I was driving to sixth form, but before I even got out of my road I span round, it happened a few times until I managed to turn around and go home.
Yesterday, I got stuck getting out of a side road next to my house, and would have been completely stuck if it hadn't have been for the help from 3 strangers who were absolutely amazing! But today was something else
I had an exam this afternoon, and the plan was - Go to uni, do my exam, go and grab some food, go back to uni and revise until late and go home. Which in essence worked until it started to snow near the end of my exam. So I finished the exam and found Sarah. We looked at the snow which was falling a lot but just melting as it hit the ground, which, for a 10 minute round trip, really shouldn't be that much of an issue, and I'm one of these people who don't believe that a little bit of the white stuff should grind everything to a halt.
But apparently it does, with a country so unequipped to deal with this kind of situation (and to be fair, it doesn't happen very often!) a 5 minute trip can turn into 50 minutes, to which this point the snow had began to settle on the ground and mixed with the general wetness of the situation to form a thick slush, so after a LOT of shouting, panicking and general crying, we managed to coerce some strangers into pushing my car safely onto the pavement, it was far to dangerous to continue and I couldn't release the handbrake without the car sliding backwards.
It turns out we wouldn't have been able to proceed further anyway, we passed a bus at the top of the hill diagonally blocking the road, and with reports of a bus at the bottom of the hill which had basically split in half (a bendy bus, not actual metal!) we were absolutely stuck.
So at this point, we're both wearing pretty inappropriate shoes, and with a walk home ahead of us we needed to stock up on supplies for warmth and food resources, but what we met at Asda was emptiness, with the few people who were there panicking about how to get home, because Hollingbury was basically cut off from the rest of Brighton
In all honesty, the walk home probably would have been nice in better weather, and we had some amazing quotes come out of it like 'why did we bother with a car, trolley is clearly the best way to travel!!' and not only am I so glad I wasn't alone, but being with Sarah not only made it bearable, but almost enjoyable :)
An hour and a half later, and almost 4 hours after we left uni, we're home. After walking basically 4 and half miles in the snow.
And this is why I hate snow,
All because some white stuff fell from the sky!!!