Monday, 21 May 2012

Hello Insomnia!

So due to exam period coming up, my brain has decided to bring me a little present, stress- induced insomnia!(I mentioned my little freak-out earlier in my other blog). This is an incredibly annoying trait I have, and has kept me up for 36 straight hours of trying to drift off on previous occasions.So being the geek I am, instead of trying to solve my insomnia by a combination of aids to help me try and sleep, like herbal aids (In the absence of medical sedatives), Temperature, removing all stimuli, visual and audio, (nothing worse than staring at a dark ceiling in a silent house) I research what chemical processes in my brain must be occurring to make me feel this way. I did Psychology at A-Level and it was my favourite subject, encouraged by the fact that my sixth form college taught it as a science rather than an art which made it just clinical enough for my liking. Anyway, we did a topic on sleep in our second year, which I found so interesting, particularly (ironically enough) disorders of sleep. This led me to be the only one in my year to pick it as my topic for the end of year exam (as well as providing me with the opportunity to maintain my solid B-grade)
Anyway, I found the answer to why I'm feeling like this in Neuropsychopharmacology, that explains stress induced insomnia being caused by increased stress levels leading to an increase in corticotropin- releasing hormone which interacts with the central nervous system affecting the normal circadian rhythm (initiating physiological waking rhythms) and inhibiting sleep. So yeah, that's what's wrong with me tonight. Still... won't help me get any sleep.
Anyway tomorrow should be another day, unfortunately for me, I think it's all going to flow into one because I don't feel like I'm going to go any time soon.
I think I may just become nocturnal, It can't disrupt my circadian rhythm much more!

I'll blog soon, probably tonight if I remain this bored and this awake!

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