Today was insanely busy! CCK was live on BBC1 this morning, which is a HUGE deal! it's amazing, because it's not often that church, particularly the modern church gets represented on mainstream TV, and I know it caught so many people by surprise by looking at their twitter comments, some negative, but it seems that if it had no effect, they wouldn't shout so loudly about how much they protest it, the main thing is, people were thinking about it, talking about it, debating God.
So the rest of today, I was building my knowledge on Human Physiology by way of flash cards so I'm feeling slightly better but still not amazing, tomorrow's going to be an entire revision day, so time for some cramming before the exam on Wednesday.
The main reason for this post however was because I went to an event tonight called 'Christianity & Science, Incompatible?' and it was so good in that so many of my questions, so I'm going to share the basic points and some of my thoughts:
1. The Bible is the only holy book that follows scientific method, and gives a chronological order compatible with scientific evidence
The Bible is the first published book that has given evidence of a 'Big Bang' being the start of the universe, If it started it must have had a beginning and must have been created. It's also the first book that gives rise to the idea of an ever expanding universe, long before this was discovered to be scientific fact. It speaks of the laws of decay (The second law of thermodynamics) The different people writing the various books of the bible having guessed all the same events which all are supported scientifically as a coincidence has a lower chance than death by reversal of the second law of thermodynamics.
Many scientists have come to the conclusion that there was a beginning to time and space, the bible supports this by saying that God created time and space.
God constantly shapes and remoulds the earth, this is seen by the movement of tectonic plates, also which is described by the bible as how God created land. This according to scientists happened when earth was half the age that it is now, Day 3.
It can be questioned if the world is still developing new species, the fossil record gives infallible evidence of periods of speciation, extinction events and radiation of new species, however there has been no major emergences of speciation since the emergence of hominids, this correlates as 'the sixth day' where god created the humans, there is not account of the end of the seventh day, suggesting that it is still ongoing.
2. 'Days' in biblical Hebrew doesn't necessarily mean a day, it could be any period of time
The bible needs to be taken literally, however the biblical-Hebrew of the original translation could be day, or a longer period of time, if this is a longer period of time then it is plausible that the fossil record gives evidence for being part of a previous day. This is supported by looking at Adam and Eve, when God created Eve, the bible suggests that this is a reasonable period of time as when God creates Eve, not only was Adam lonely, but he said 'At last'
3. There is no contradictions in the Bible
4. The universe is the size it is because it is the perfect size to contain the right elements to be able to sustain life
Anyway it's been pretty eye-opening to be able to see another perspective
I pray now for understanding & clarity
& for this fly to leave my room!
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